Monday, October 27, 2008

Bruce Fowler

Bruce with his parents Marjorie and John Fowler, 1971
I was born in 1958 and was baptized in this church. My parents had been coming here for quite a while. My mother sang in the choir for a long time, but she doesn’t now. She will be 90 years old soon. My father still sings in the choir though. He’s about 85 or so and still drives his own car.

I just really like it here. The people are nice. I like our minister Linda and I enjoy her sermons. I hope she’ll still be doing them when we move! And the music in this church is great.

I used to bring my old girlfriend here with me. She liked coming here. She died about 9 years ago. I will show you a picture of her sometime.

I am on the ushering team and I do readings during the services. Sometimes I read the Minute for Mission.

Bruce Fowler 2008
St John’s is going to be very different when the changes happen. I think they will tear down this church and build a new one. I hope the congregation still comes. I hope the music never changes and the sermons will still be good.

I like the bells in the tower. I’m not sure what is going to happen to them. I would like them to be saved because I love hearing them. You like them too, don’t you?

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